Monthly Archives: December 2010

14 12, 2010

Changing the Equation


Most people enter trading with the idea that they are going to make a lot of money. In other words, they have high expectations.  There is nothing inherently wrong with

Changing the Equation2010-12-14T17:49:46+00:00
10 12, 2010

Patience, Poker and Trading


I'm re-posting this piece due to popularity.... A few months ago I asked a friend who is a veteran trader and a former professional poker player for some advice before

Patience, Poker and Trading2010-12-10T16:43:44+00:00
6 12, 2010

Are You Patient?


In any competitive arena, whether it is trading, sports, poker, or others, waiting is often a very potent form of power. Waiting can come in many forms: waiting for the

Are You Patient?2010-12-06T18:20:52+00:00
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