Everyone talks about discipline, but do you know what the key ingredient of sustainable discipline is?

It’s not will-power. It is a form of confidence.

I’ve previously defined three types of confidence here.

The type of discipline you want more of is what I call ‘true self-confidence’  – defined as resilience in the face of disappointment or discomfort. Discomfort of losing, of waiting, of missing out.

Most traders equate discipline with will-power.  But will-power is not sustainable.  Ample empirical research exists showing both psychological, and biological factors of fatigue indicate that will-power is a finite resource.

Developing true self-confidence – resilience  in the face of discomfort – is a key factor in sustainable discipline. And what I’ve found in my own trading and working with many traders, including some of the top traders around, is working with the emotions associated with discomfort is what builds true confidence.

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